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Talbot Family | Fall Family Pictures | Clifton Idaho Fall Family Photographer

I love the honor of being a family photographer in the Preston Idaho area. The Talbot family took me to this amazing location they had found in Clifton Idaho that was perfect for their family pictures. Look how great it looks with their color combo and all their cute smiles.

If your looking for a good time and to laugh hard enough that your cheeks hurt, you should spend some time with the Talbot family. Oh my! Such a fun family. Laci and her siblings surprised their mom with the gift that keeps on giving: FAMILY PICTURES! How dang sweet is that? Every mom dreams of having all of their loved ones hanging up on their wall and with a mission taking their son on a two year mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints these updated pictures were extra thoughtful. And lucky for me, the Talbot family is incredible. I love every time I get to take their pictures.

Not only was it special because these will be the family pictures that hang on their wall the next two years while Wes serves his two year mission, but they brought a cute checkered blanket that was their grandmas. How precious and sentimental. I love when family's bring something extra that has special meaning to make their pictures mean even more.

Thank you Talbot family for letting me be apart of your family for the evening and take your pictures.


Talbot Family | Clifton Idaho Fall Family Pictures | Clifton Idaho Family Photographer

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