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Cambell Family | Best Extended Family Preston, Idaho Photographer | Oneida Narrows

The Cambell family moved into my ward growing up and I remember thinking how kind they were. I moved out on my own a few years after they moved but continued to be Facebook friends with Stacey, and would always go through her line in the grocery store every time I noticed she was working. Stacey is so complimentary and kind that I loved being around her. When she asked me to take her incredible family's pictures I was excited to get to hang out with her whole crew. Her and Joe are the best grandparents and love their family so much.

I watched a few years ago as their family gathered together to strengthen one another while their cute granddaughter Macklyn was batteling cancer at just three years old. They were there for one another during this difficult time and now are even stronger. I loved that they brought a photo of Macklyn to add into their family pictures. She will always be loved and remembered. ♥

We went up to the Oneida Narrows for the amazing scenery that is there in June. The lush field, pine trees, river that flows close by, and the canyon makes for an incredible back drop. Add this cute crew and your bound to want to hang these up on your wall too. Am I right? Her son wasn't able to make the original photo shoot possible due to some work obligations, but thanks for Photoshop and his adorable family willing to take their pictures twice, once on the original date and then again on a second date with their dad/husband in them we made it work.

Extended families were my jam this summer. One of the perks of being a photographer in Preston, Idaho is I get the opportunity to hang out with so many of them.I loved capturing all of these families and the love they have for one another, but the Cambell family is definitely a special opportunity.


Oneida Narrows Extended Family Pictures | Joe & Stacey Cambell Family | River Family Pictures

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